zachęcam do czytania chronologicznie,
od dołu (kliknij strzałkę, aby przewinąć)

czwartek, 6 stycznia 2011

'I had all this things in life,
but none of them fullfiled that big hole..
..that I (tu wskazuje koliście na sw ój korpus) had in my life,
no - nothing fullfilll that.
So I noticed If.. I none a, none a..
If I can have all that
and If it hasn't fullfilled that hole I have
It's not gonne do it.'
Franek B/Paweł Sysiak, 2008-2011, zamknięty utwór blogowy, all rights to share


O mnie:

+Pawel Sysiak


Tymek Borowski 'theory and practice of reality'

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